Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Spending Wisely

“I will very gladly spend and be spent for you.”
2 Corinthians 12:15

Paul was writing this and he was willing to spend his life for others. Someone has said that life is like a coin – (no, Forrest it is not like a box of chocolates!) you have one chance to spend it and then it’s gone. There are no re-do’s. Each day must be used wisely in service to God and others.

As we approach the holiday season, I can honestly say that I usually feel "spent" at the end of each day. BUT I don't exactly think that's what Paul had in mind.

How am I investing my life for God and others this holiday season?

As I pondered this question, I realized how easy it is for all the shopping, wrapping, cooking, and celebrating to eclipse the true meaning. And I'm not exactly sure what to do. I have good intentions at the beginning of December, but by Christmas Eve, I'm one crazy woman shopping for that last gift!

How do you slow down enough to focus on the true meaning of Christmas?

A couple of things I want to do...

Share Christ with someone this year. This could mean giving a tract (I saw the parking attendant reading a tract someone had given her as I pulled out of a parking garage, so you never know what could happen) or meeting with my hairdresser for coffee and specifically sharing the gospel message (I've sowed a lot of seeds so far.) or who knows...maybe if I just listen closely to God, He will guide me.

Spend some time thinking about God's great gift to me every day. What a great sacrifice Jesus made coming to the earth as a baby to grow up and give up His life for me!

I would share more ideas, but I don't want to be so ambitious that I get overwhelmed and give up before I even get started. Please share any ideas of how you focus on the true meaning of Christmas.

Spend your coin wisely.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving

It's almost Thanksgiving week, so I decided to make my Thanksgiving list. Of course, this is something I should do every day because I have so much to be thankful for. Focusing on what I have creates a contentment that creates a peaceful me - not so much yearning and wishing for more.

I'm thankful for:

At the top would have to be forgiveness of sin and a real relationship with God - I honestly can't even believe that He (the GOD of the universe) wants to have a relationship and continues to love me, in spite of myself.

Purpose in life - I usually wake up with several things on my list to do each day - and that's a good thing - I enjoy what I do - I love working from home in my pj's. I love traveling with Richard to visit the church planters.

I would have to put Richard (husband) at top of list, too. Now that all the kiddies are gone and it's just us, I am re-discovering how much I enjoy being with him.

I love my family - and love spending time with them.

My sister - we talk every day and can finish each other's sentences. Once a week, we pray together via cell phone.

A washing machine - it's scrubbing my clothes as I write this. (AAAAHHHHH)

These are just a few of the things I wrote down...there's so much more - friends, plenty of food, warm house, health, hot showers, books, good car that runs, the list is pretty long.

Of course, I'm thankful for ministry wives who are serving alongside their husbands loving people and giving so much to build God's kingdom. Thank you for all your hard work!

Happy Thanksgiving!